The most suitable and healthy solution used in breast augmentation operations is the silicone breast prosthesis. Although .. More information
Breast size is a condition that affects the skeletal system of people, causes hunching in the back region, triggers neck h.. More information
Breasts may droop and change shape due to aging, rapid weight gain and loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is possible t.. More information
Wrinkles and sagging are seen in the face area due to aging, malnutrition and smoking. Thanks to face lift surgery, these .. More information
It is applied in the treatment of problems such as wrinkling and sagging seen in the neck area due to aging. Generally, ne.. More information
Ear aesthetic surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the shape and appearance of the ears. The operation .. More information
It is preferred by people who have thin or thick lip structure and who have the problem of decreasing lip thickness due to.. More information
In this aesthetic operation, which is preferred because of the excess skin on the upper eyelid, lubrication and bags and l.. More information
Forehead lift and eyebrow lift operations are performed with 2 different methods. With this operation, which is performed .. More information
Liposuction is the process of removing excess fat tissues from some parts of the body by vacuum method. It is generally pr.. More information
Tummy tuck surgeries are used in cases such as rapid weight gain and loss, post-pregnancy lubrication and the formation of.. More information
With the effect of aging or in cases such as excessive weight gain and loss, sagging is observed with a decrease in the el.. More information
This is the process of transferring fat from one shadow of the body to another part of the same person's body. General.. More information
In this process, which is performed using fat injection, prosthesis and filler, the fat taken from the hip area is transfe.. More information
Genital aesthetics is performed in order to eliminate the loosening and loss of elasticity in the vagina due to advancing .. More information
In closed nose surgeries, all incisions are made inside the nostrils, so no stitches are formed. The operation lasts betwe.. More information
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